34 minutes at 8'08 = 4.21k
Hiya, I know this one's posted a day late for all my avid readers (haha). Today's runs was one of those that I just did for the sake of doing, I didn't exactly enjoy it.
I started a job this week and am training for it from 4pm to midnight. I am not a morning person and often used to run at night. Clearly, this was no longer an option. I wondered if I would still be able to stick to a schedule with my new hours of operation. I successfully did it. Even making it to the gym one day for a cycling workout. I even did my sun salutations in public while there. I also tried aqua zumba today. So fun. I wouldn't really consider it a huge cardio workout but really really fun!
Back to running though, I really try to do it Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays because you should get 30 minutes of cardio a day. I used to run 3 days on one off then another 3. I've started to incorporate other forms or cardio exercise into my routine because I also would like to do that try-a-tri. I've noticed that I'm not progressing as quickly with my running in speed than I was when I was running more frequently. I do however, find that I am exercising with more frequency and regularity.
Last week I'd gotten into a discussion with my brother about fitting exercise into your day. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada to stay fit you should:

active at least
2.5 hours a week to achieve health
Focus on
moderate to vigorous aerobic activity throughout
each week, broken into sessions of 10 minutes or more.
Get stronger by adding activities
that target your muscles and
bones at least two days per week.
It's REALLY not that much. If I could go from 0 minutes of activity to about 3.5 a week, in two months, take it from me it's not bad and easy to do. I like writing this blog because I literally did NOTHING for a long time exercise wise and now I feel like I am moderately active. Back to the discussion with my bro (who I love dearly). He's a chef and works long hours and spends a lot of time on his feet. He was saying how tired he was and doesn't feel like working out after those long difficult days. I don't blame him at all. I did point out that it can be broken up into 10 minute segments, so his walk to the gym could be considered his warm up, do some weight training and then walk home as a cool down to save time. Or do something at home. I find that that is often something I have to do and I refer to various youtube videos or dvds from the library to do so.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's really easy to fit into any schedule as long as you find something that you enjoy doing. I know I say that again and again but it's true that everyone has their "thing" they just need to figure out what it is.
One last item, I've now gotten hits from Russia and have 6 readers there. Interesting.
Happy (long, for some) weekend!