I noticed as I was running that smile on my face again. I was really focused on just putting one foot in front of the other and was not really in my head at all. It was a nice escape. Prior to this run, knowing that it would be me alone with myself for over an hour, doing the exact same thing, I was sure to create a playlist that I would really enjoy. I did not let myself down and didn't feel the need to change any song that was on the list. I was catching up with a friend the other day who'd asked how my running was going I shamefacedly admitted that it had dropped off as of late. She said that she'd been out for a short distance but didn't enjoy it. I completely understand. I do not enjoy cycling. It was necessary for the tri so I did it. I had to make it as enjoyable an experience as I could. so, I cycled with my brother or did spinning. It was a necessary evil. I ENJOY running but today, not sure how I would feel about doing 10K I took steps to ensure that I would hate it as little as possible. I put on my favourite socks, picked my favourite songs, and ran my favourite route.
Another thing that I thought about during my run the further I got was that MY BODY IS DOING THIS. It was remarkable to me. My body kept me moving for an hour and a half, my body went 10K non-stop, my body was finishing strong. It's pretty amazing. I'd read online in a blog (http://rosiemolinary.com/blog/) about not waiting for the body you want to do the things that you desire. Right now is the perfect time to take up running. If you've been considering it or went out during the summer and hated it, the cooler evening temperatures and earlier nightfall make for perfect running conditions for a beginner.
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