Sunday, March 17, 2013

“Human beings are...

 made up of flesh and blood, and a miracle fiber called courage.” -George Patton

8 K @ 8'05

Happy St Patrick's Day! Hope everyone has an enjoyable day. I WISH that I was out running right now in the snow globe world that is outside. I'm just not sure I'd quite manage as I've been celebrating. I am still the reigning Caps Champion.

I ran earlier this evening though. I really, really, REALLY did not want to. REALLLLLLLLLY. I did it though (pause for accolades)....

I could have easily let myself off the hook as I'd already run 4 times this week. Plus, it was -5 but felt like -10 out there. AND, I was just having a plain ole crappy day. I did it though. All 5 miles. My body was achy, I was emotionally exhausted and it took me 2 hours to motivate myself but I did it.

I was so angry and miserable out there and thought to myself that I should really re-evaluate my relationship with running (yes, those exact words). Like a relationship with a person, I felt that it was no longer making me happy, the spark just wasn't there anymore.  Why was this? What was I getting from this? If I didn't run, what would I do instead?  I decided I would just focus on running and save my existential crisis for later. I cursed a lot and just did the one foot in front of the other thing.

Running did require extra focus today as there was a skiff of snow hiding frozen puddles that made the route particularly slippery. I trudged along wishing that someone had have talked me out of this venture today. I hit my last mile and I don't know what it was but I felt myself pick up the pace and felt overall lighter. I knew that this 5 miles was better than my last. I did finish the run smiling.

I guess I'll stick with this stupid hobby. At least for one more day...tomorrow IS a rest day after all...

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