…but it ain't easy." --Mark
2.5 K @ 7'39
I had to laugh when I was looking for a quote for the title and came across this one after today's run. I have been incredibly stressed out about a driving test that I had today. Ever since I was 16, as in the DAY OF, I have pretty much had my beginners license. I am 28.5. I am not a huge fan of driving and never really needed my license. Looking for work though, I hit a roadblock and actually need my G2 for a job so I finally sucked it up and decided to get it. Because there was a lot counting on it and I've gotten it at such a high financial cost (driving lessons twice, previous attempts...) I was determined to get it this time. AAAAAAAAAAAAAand I was really REALLY nervous throughout the entire process. I did it though! got my license today. This is another situation where I was the only one getting in my way and let nerves take over, so that was key today, not letting my nerves get the best of me. Prior to the road test I got together is a couple of fantastic friends and the world's cutest toddler (or, if you're in the industry, "tod") to keep my nerves in check. I also consumed copious amounts of McDonalds. Did you know that happy meals come with yogurt now? Back to the test- I did well. Only a few minor errors. I think I held my breath the entire time. Regardless, that's over with and the next test isn't for another year and I love highway driving so I will be fine on the next one.
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Relief after the test! |
When am I getting to the exercise bit you're thinking, I know...but it was a huge deal for me. SO to celebrate, I thought I'm gonna just go for a quick run. 2.5 K. This week I want to set the benchmarks for my training for the tri by doing the distances for the race. The run is only 2.5 k but I imagine I am going to be on quite rubbery legs for it. It took 19 and a half minutes (hm, I just looked at that time and had figured it'd take me longer, that's good). I was powering out there and 100m into my run thinking about how my wrist kinda hurt and wondering if I'd been clenching the wheel that hard or had injured it at work when I felt my toe catch (toe pick!). Why do falls always feel like they're happening in slow motion? I actually thought it was just gonna be a little stumble and I'd recover, nope. Flat out. Scraped up palms and elbow. Blood and everything! right on a corner of a busy intersection. Blarg. I sat up, dusted myself off and continued to run. It did sting, but I knew the endorphins would kick in and the pain would go away. Who needs running anyways?! I have my license now! haha kidding.
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The worst of my scrapes. At least I was sober when it happened. |
When I got home and examined the damage it was nothing a little soap, water and polysporin won't fix. I hate band aids though. Goes back to my swimming days when I'd be swimming away and one would get caught in my fingers. I know right, you want to barf a little reading that...That's how I feel looking at them. Even boxes of them. Anyways, I'm wiping blood off of my computer as I type this cuz I don't want to put anything over it. I should call in sick to work, tell them I've incurred a running injury.
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