5.01 K @ 7'22
I'll allow you to compute the above...get your calculator if you need it...how long did it take me to do that run? UNDER THIRTY SEVEN MINUTES! Yes, indeed. I think I am probably most proud of this run of any I've done in the past 3 months. It's really set me up well for Sunday. I am not expecting to have another run this fast. This was a hill run, and for part of it I was wearing a backpack.
Part of the glamour of not driving is that I must squeeze many activities into one trip. So I did my hill run and left 1.5 K for running to my friend's place. I was going directly to work after the visit so it meant I'd have to bring my stuff with me. So I made a quick pit stop and grabbed my bag before the stretch to her place. It was my first time running with a backpack and yes, I felt like an idiot. I feel like an idiot a lot of the time though so really, I didn't care. I know I've talked about letting go of what other people think of you when you're running.
Whenever I see someone out there I always just think good for them. In fact, I saw what I believed to be a father and son out running tonight. I was so struck by it that I actually shared that I had seen them with my brother. They were true runners. Long beautiful strides and they were completely in sync. It's really amazing to me to watch "real" runners out there, they make it look so easy. Normally, I have a twinge of jealousy ever wondering if I'll get there, but today watching the pair I just appreciated the athleticism and the work that they had to have put in to get there. A few minutes after that I saw another woman running, similar to what I know I look like. Like every step is actually work, short stride, iPod in hand; and I felt a strange kinship toward her and smiled at the thought that I felt connected to anyone who in any form was an athlete.
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