Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Walk to Run

As a result of insomnia I was fortunate to experience a 5 AM outing. It made me realize I've really missed out this winter. It was -11 (-18 with the windchill) and it was a delight to be out there. So lovely and fresh. As long as you have the proper gear it's great. I looked like a marshmallow but it was worth it to be outside (seeing as I hate treadmills ever so much). I had on (from bottom to top) my Saucony runners (of course), sport socks, lululemon shorts, sweat pants, underarmor pants, lululemon short sleeved tee, cotton long sleeve tee, underarmor hoodie, cotton hoodie, scarf & to top it off my lululemon headband earmuffs. I was quite toasty. As for my lungs they held up decently well but I was not running for a sustained period of time. I won't know how that goes until next winter I guess cuz I certainly won't be running for any stretches before winter's end.

As for a bit of an update last week. I made it through week one of the walk to run. I dropped my phone TWICE while I was out. It's never tried to run away from home before, it must know that I am considering purchasing a new phone.

My doctor told me to get an air brace or summat for my ankle and to avoid road running. The brace I can do, the not road running I cannot. I feel it's an acceptable compromise.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


As you may, but probably have not noticed. I haven't blogged about a run for a while. So, I shall update you.

December 12 I had a great run, my first real run in the snow this year. With lovely large fluffy flakes falling from the sky. Every time my foot fell there were puffs of the magical white stuff lifting up. Ideal running conditions for this gal.

December 13, OH December 13, this day is historically TERRIBLE for me. True story. Head out for a jog and I am killing it. KILLING IT. For me. I ran  1.5 k in a 6 and a half pace time I believe, so 45 seconds under my pace. It's cold, the air is fresh, there's a couple of inches of snow but I'm running on the road so it's all good. Then, I am on the freakin' ground. Go to get up, can't walk. Nope not happening. Again, because I am not always the safest runner I normally don't bring a phone with me, I did this time though. Thank goodness as it was 11pm and needed a ride home. The thing swelled up immediately but I could wiggle my toes. I googled sprain vs break and it seemed that it was just a sprain. I "R-I-C-E"'d it that evening and did not at all sleep well and decided at 5AM that I should prolly head to the hospital. X-rays were done on my ankle, just a sprain. JUST A SPRAIN. It killed (and not in the way that I killed it running earlier). I couldn't weight bare (bear?). It was upsetting. I also was not impressed that the intern that saw me also googled sprains and gave me medical advice from the same site that I had earlier reference myself. She informed me all would be well in 3 days. Fast forward 3 relatively painful days (keep in mind I endure the pain of pancreatitus, often unmedicated) and my ankle is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. Swollen and an unnatural purple. I can no longer move my toes and I still cannot walk unassisted. Off to the fracture clinic I go to see if my FOOT is broken cuz they only x-rayed my ankle. All is well though, no broken bones and I am sent on my way am told that unfortunately all I can do is suck it up, by a very kindly (although it doesn't seem it) x-ray tech.

Throughout these various hospital visits and over the week I was repeatedly informed that a sprain is worse than a break because there is nothing that they can do. This is the gospel truth (sing it with me!). It's TERRIBLE. Thank goodness it was winter so I could get away with jamming my over-inflated foot into a pair of cute winter boots.

So 3 weeks later and I head to a walk in so I can get medical clearance to work at my SOCIAL WORKER JOB where I largely sit at a desk and the doctor informs me that I have an unusual sprain in that I have, in fact, sprained 2 ligaments and I am not do do anything to it until the beginning of February. No running, no yoga. AWESOME (!). This means no race, no skiing. He did prescribe me some anti-inflammatories and some cream that contains chili peppers that MUST be washed off your hands before coming in contact with parts of your body, like your eye. I found this one out the hard way.

I've managed to keep myself lazy (not a difficult feat, some pun intended) but I miss it. I miss running. I miss running with my whole heart! My ankle is still wonky so I'm going to see my GP this week to discuss some physio. The ankle's still a bit swollen but as my 8 weeks have elapsed I have recently started my Nike+ walk to run program. It's depressing me. It is simple, but challenging at the same time (which it should not be). I miss running for a consecutive half hour. I run for one minute on this program. ONE. The distance is only one Kilometre. ONE. I realize that I have to work my way up again but it sucks. It effing sucks. Also, having completed the Running Room walk to run program twice, I think that I prefer that one. Because this Nike one is easier though, I am doing it because although when I walk my ankle is fine, it gets sore when I pick up the pace.

I am torn on the issue of sharing this walk to run program with you cuz I literally and metaphorically feel lame doing so. Hopefully it is a quick process though, I am doubling up right now and doing 2 sessions a day. Perhaps I will fill you in occasionally.