Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Cross Country Philosophy...

the faster you run the faster you're done."

6.45 K (furthest run this training cycle!) @ 7'49

I found this quote for my title online and it's oh so appropriate for today. I was sick last week so did not training (thus no blogging). My pancreas acted up and I was sick for four days then as so often happens, I subsequently got a cold. Thus, I was out of commission for the better part of a fortnight.

As a result of my lack of activity it was, as always, difficult to get started again. I set my mind to getting up and going for a run in the morning. Added motivation: my best friend offered to make me breakfast. To my amazement I was up and out of the house by 8 am. I'm not sure how many of you were in southern Ontario at that time, but it was already quite warm (a record high today, actually). I was doing a timed run of 45 minutes and I felt that a pace of 7'50 would be appropriate for my first run back. I kind of gauged my distance so as to finish at my friend's all set for breakfast.

I am not good at gauging distance. I'm not sure why I trusted myself to plan a route. It was hot. I have a cold. I have not run in over a week. It was not a fun run. But I had to start up again from somewhere. That third kilometre is perpetually a thorn in my side. It's my "wall". I was too far from anywhere to stop and walk though. I pushed through, like I always do when I want to stop and whine consoling myself with the "at least I went out there mentality". I started to think about Kelowna and wished I was there. While it wasn't really humid, I longed for that dry heat and the orchards that I ran by with the sprinklers on cooling the earth and myself with their mist. As I was ruminating on those sprinklers, I looked to my left and on the soccer pitch there were a number of sprinklers watering the field, surrounded by a fence. Topped by barbed wire. There was no way that i was going to cool off with those bad boys. I continued to plod along. Lo and behold! Someone was watering their lawn. I took off like a shot to hit it...and missed it, completely. Not one drop hit my body.

Meanwhile, I had hit the 35 minute mark and was a fair distance away from my friend's place. I was hot, I misjudged the distance and it was just getting warmer. I sped up (see where the title comes in now?). I hit the 45 minute mark and still had quite a bit to go before I reached my destination time was up. I bargained with myself. I could do some walk/run alternating...No I wouldn't. I have made this deal before and always just walk. It's like once I stop my body shuts down. I decided to just keep going until I reached 6 K. By the time I'd done that I only had 2 more blocks to go so I just finished those up.

I think what i can take away from this run (other than the complete and utter dread I have for how HOT this summer has the potential to get) is that small goals work. As does a promise of bacon and eggs.

Don't forget bike to work day is May 28th!! Take part. I know I am.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Did It!

Against all odds I finally did my cyclefit class!

This meant getting up early on a Saturday and getting to the gym. This whole driving thing is really convenient. I don't know why I didn't try it out sooner. I showed up to the class about 10 minutes early and it was completely empty. I WAS TERRIFIED!! I had images of myself and the instructor going mono a mono up imaginary hills and racing imaginary competitors. He introduced himself, I want to say his name was Paul, but I think that was my last instructor. Regardless,  I introduced myself, told him that this was my second class, that I hated cycling but unfortunately it was part of a triathlon and he helped me set up my bike as we discussed my try tri. He also informed me that we were gonna make sure that I was all trained up for the big day. It was kind of nice and makes me feel like there's another person invested in my training. The more people I talk to about doing a try tri (I always stress the TRY part when I am telling people), the more support I get. It makes me feel like I am actually DOING something.

I am ashamed to admit this...but I LOVE talking to people who also run or race. I like talking shop with them. He gave me some pointers about bike shops in the area and told me he was doing a duathlon next weekend in Waterloo. By this time a few others had trickled in (to my relief), including my instructor from last time!

EEK! this class was gonna be full of pros. There was a first timer there but she appeared to be quite fit. With the memory of the searing pain that I endured for 4 days following my last cyclefit experience haunting me, I started the class. Taking it easy this time, when my legs started to hurt, I waited 30 seconds and then sat down. It is essential that I be able to walk for my job. I couldn't destroy myself like I did last time. Throughout the class Paul (?) would often call me out by name, point at me or make reference to training for triathlons. Embarrassing? You bet. Did it make me smile? Sometimes, when I wasn't mentally telling him to f*ck off. I'm actually smiling right now, so I think I enjoyed it more than I was willing to express in the moment.

With my commitment to fitness I am not expecting to lose weight. Not at all my primary goal. I get that it would help not having to haul as much weight around but mostly I just want to be fit. With that being said, today when we were bent over pretending to be as aerodynamic as possible sprinting to the finish, my legs were hitting my stomach and boobs. Uncomfortable. Maybe some weight loss wouldn't be terrible...

Friday, May 11, 2012

I'm Amped Writing This.

2.5 k @ 7'24
375m swim

I got FOUR hours of sleep last night. I hopefully will be back to my regularly scheduled sleep program tonight. As I was up early again and knew that I'd be heading to the gym for yoga anyways I went and did a 2.5K run went to the gym and did a swim then did yoga.

The weather was somewhat windy out there today but the sun was shining, birds were chirping and garbage trucks belching by. I seem to run on Friday mornings frequently (aka GARBAGE DAY). It was a fairly satisfying run. My goal right now is to run at a pace of 7'40 but when I do short runs I try to do them a bit faster. The 2.5 K is my run distance for the tri. It took under 20 minutes today. I just keep thinking about what it will feel like to run after a swim and a bike. Those rubbery rubbery legs underneath me.

I also did my swim distance today and tried to do it continuous. I am a little nervous about swimming in open water. Turning my head for a breath and getting a mouth full of water instead. At the Y they always have at least one lane open for lane swimming. Since I've started going in the morning they have had multiple lanes dedicated to various speeds. Normally I just choose a lane that no one is in. Today this was the fast lane. In my defence when I got there I WAS the fastest swimmer there. Until The Guy showed up. The Guy who swims really well who I am incredibly envious of who I have seen a couple of times now. There's also The Woman in the Green Bathing Suit who swims beautifully, but I am mostly envious of her appropriately fitting bathing suit. I've seen her more often than The Guy. Back on track, he showed up and all the lanes being used he chose the fast lane, as he should. Here's my question. Should I have left the lane that I was in? There was room enough for the both of us. I was more than half way through my swim and he only lapped me once. If I had have moved over I would have been lapping the guy in the medium lane who was doing the breaststroke. I am not entirely sure of pool etiquette. There's so much to think about when you're working out. I thought about how I was irritated by the man who as the human buoy (see: my irritation with him was only moderate and it was easy enough to swim around him. So, I hoped that The Guy understood that I was at least TRYING and not just floating and I stubbornly remained in the fast lane.

I had a yoga date with a friend this morning. The usual instructor wasn't there and the woman leading us does Vinyasa Yoga!!! I was in my glory. I love the flow. It's really difficult and I was exhausted but it was nice working up a sweat. The volunteers are not terrible, I just love Vinyasa yoga.

With these workouts, I have successfully completed all planned workouts this week. A first since I'd registered for the tri. I have them all written out on my Chapman's Calendar and check them off as I do them. I don't get them done on the assigned day but they're done. There is the one Cyclefit that is haunting me. Tomorrow (I hope!).

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there (my mom thinks it's a commercial made up thing so we're not celebrating). She gets enough love year round that she doesn't need one day to be told how great she is, it seems. Don't worry I still bought her something and we're going out when my brodda is off.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

"It's rude to count people as you pass them...

Outloud" - Adidas ad

I did not sleep last night. I have this problem on occasion. The longest I've gone is 3 days without sleep. I have been doing well of late, I think the exercising helps. So, I don't know what is up. Discussing symptoms with a counsellor and my Dr, it seems I am bipolar. I may be experiencing a slight manic episode. The only way that I can describe it is like it's Christmas or your birthday and you're just so excited that you can't calm down or sleep and it lasts for several hours or several days. This would explain why I haven't slept and still did a 10k cycle and a 425 m swim as well as a set of sun salutations all before I would normally wake up. PLUS writing this blog.

I had never been to the gym this early. I would definitely benefit from a 24 hour facility (now that I drive). The cycle was tough. I bumped the levels up a couple notches. I had committed myself to going to cyclefit today. Then I didn't sleep and felt waiting for the noon time class would be pointless. I then did my 17 laps of the pool. I really need to invest in an appropriate bathing suit. Mine are all to big, except the one, which is otherwise known for its cleavage displaying qualities. There's actually a lot that I need to invest in for this race. In the book Slow, Fat Triathlete the author outlines what is necessary, what is good to have and frivolous but fabulous items. I forgot to write this down before I returned the book to the library. Something I realised which was slightly depressing- the 17 laps of the pool I did is only 1 & 1/4 ways around a track...Still loving it though!

All in all I'm feeling good. On tap tomorrow is a Yoga class. I think I am going to try to do a run and a swim as well...We'll see about this sleep (or lack thereof) thing first.

Also, I have been watching this video a lot and smiling.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Spring is Here and With it Comes...Running!

4.83 @ 7'25

Last night I was DD for the very first time ever! and I drove out of the Stoney Creek. I was out pretty late cuz I'd agreed to drive the birthday girl home. It was my pleasure. Plus, one stays at their birthday celebration until the end, otherwise it's not a proper celebration. Thus, I was able to have a good reason to sleep in and that meant I sadly (!) had to miss out on spinclass today. To alleviate my guilt I went for a run (and of course, my daily pre-breakfast yoga).

I hadn't done a decent distance in a while. I think since my race...Today was perfect running weather. The sun was gorgeous. I'll see if my skin enjoyed it as much as the rest of me did. I did some speed work today. "Speed" work...I wasn't so keen on running so my sprints weren't the fastest, definitely could have pushed it more.

I hope everyone got out there to enjoy the weather at some point today, summer's coming- too much Game of Thrones...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

"No one ever drowned in sweat."

But you sure can drown in a pool.

Today I did a cycle and swim. I realize that I've only gone swimming 3 times but I'm already getting back into the groove I am already doing better. I don't know if that first time I made the classic mistake of any fitness newbie and just tried too hard and didn't pace myself. My cycle  is getting better as well. I did 11 (miles? Kilometres? who knows...) in under 60 minutes. I still don't love it but I read again.

I don't know how people for real train for full tris cuz I am a part time student and work part time and feel like I don't have time to train. I am getting to the gym more. So I stayed true to the comment that if I drove I would get there more. I am still owing one cyclefit class...I am really hoping to get that in tomorrow. I think I say that in every entry. Unfortunately, I don't have much exciting/humourous/interesting to add to this post. Other than, yes. I am still doing stuff with the end goal of putting it all together and doing a race in August.

Oh! I am getting back into yoga slowly but surely. I got a dvd from the library and have been alternating that with sun salutations every morning. I managed to convince a friend of mine to try her first yoga class and she said that she liked it, I'm not sure if she was just protecting my feelings or if she actually enjoyed it. She did really well considering it was her first class. It reminded me of my first class and how nervous I was to try it and how lovely it actually is. Of the various forms of fitness that I have committed to, Yoga is the one where you notice improvements the fastest. It can also be easily done in the home. Overall it is very convenient and I highly recommend it. Flexibility is the first thing that your body loses with age and one of the most important to maintain. It is non-competitive and I find really makes me concentrate on my body so I am able to shut off my brain to all that ongoing chatter. As the instructor said on Friday, the concentration required during the practice of yoga, the connection of mind and body- should be brought into your everyday life. I wish I could but I am not at all disciplined enough for that. I'm happy enough being able to do it for 15 minutes every day.