Sunday, December 14, 2014

Exercise to stimulate...

not to annihilate. The world wasn't formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them.

I did the stairs today, as I did them Friday. I guess it's pretty much a thing now. Stairs on my off day. It's just so simple. It really gets my cardio going and I am also using it as a means to break in my hiking boots. After doing them last Wednesday my legs didn't feel it until Friday, while I accompanied a client to view a basement apartment. I tried not to grimace too much ascending and descending the staircase. I plod along still doing my 3 sets up and down the stairs. I'm thinking I'll add a new set come the new year.

Friday I went out with my partner in crime for our monthly date after doing the stairs (regardless of the sore legs). The plan was to go bowling but the lanes were booked until 9:30 so we spent some time in the arcade. We did some Dance Dance Revolution. You know, where you follow the dance steps on the screen. My little almost 10 year old friend complained that it was too hard. I admit, I did start sweating. I'd done it once before and it's tough. But fun!!

I did a run last night as well. I did it outside as the sidewalks were, for the most part, cleared. I'm still trying to find my stride. Literally. It's still not feeling right. I know it will. I'll get there. It's only been 3 runs. I really do enjoy that I am training by time. It keeps me focused and breaking it into segments makes it more manageable. 

I wanted to share a thing I like- Overnight Oats. They're SO GOOD. I am not a morning person so I was on the lookout for an easy breakfast. I was doing smoothies for a while. I still use them when I go do a morning gym workout to keep my blood sugar level and to prevent me from starving and eating everything in sight after a workout. For usual weekday breakfast though, I have turned to the glory that is overnight oats. The standard recipe I use is really simple: 

1/3 cup milk; 1/3 cup yogurt; 1/3 cup oats 1TBSP flax seed; Fruit. Mix it all together, leave it in your fridge overnight. 

I use the Liberte Mediterranean brand yogurt. It's not low fat but it IS gloriously tasty and oh so creamy. I prefer the large flake oats and I've just recently switched to Almond milk but was using cow's milk. I switched because my mom said she wasn't a fan of it and I read somewhere it has less calories. I haven't noticed a difference in flavour. I haven't really tried any recipes for it yet but here are some that look interesting:


PB & Chocolate

Pumpkin & Chocolate

As I said, I haven't tried these particular recipes out myself but if you try them let me know how it goes!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


I actually did a treadmill run and didn't hate it. With the snow that we got today I decided I'd give the ole treadmill a whirl. I am still not sure what speed to run at but, it got my heart rate up. I managed the intervals with little difficulty and I still used my bobby pin technique transferring them from one cup holder to the other.

I watched Road to Avonlea, a childhood favourite, as I motored on. I also put the machine on ''speed bump' so it changed the elevation for me, I had enough to focus on with the time to keep me engaged. I normally find it super boring on the treadmill there was an adequate number of people to watch and knowing that I would only be at it for half an hour helped.

I think that I am afraid of treadmills. The internet really doesn't help matters. The sheer volume of videos of people falling off of them is obviously enough to strike fear into my runners. I think I go slower than I need to because I'm afraid if I go faster I won't be able to keep up and will subsequently end up a viral video. All said and done it was as terrible as I'd anticipated.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


All right, I'm feelin' fine after yesterday's run. I know you were thinking about it alllllll day. I was a little sore going to bed last night and that had me concerned as today was my Christmas party for my clients and I had cleared the day knowing there'd be lots to do there and I'd be on my feet the whole time. It was all good though. I slept well and woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to tackle the day.

The Christmas party was wonderful. My team did a great job. The clients liked the photobooth. It's a little treat that they don't often get. Photos to show off. The food was fantastic and for the most part the event went off without a hitch (minus blowing fuses). Staff also did a cookie exchange and I left work with my coat feeling tighter. Additionally, we did a secret Santa and I got a wonderfully crafty, and cozy gift from my Santa. A great little handmade ornament which was obtained with a little Christmas magic of a photo of my gramma and I plus a hat, scarf and wintery headband.

After dinner I went and did some stairs. 3 sets, without stopping. At the beginning of the summer I couldn't get up one flight without a break never mind the 9 that I can now do. I figured I'd get some stairs in as we're expecting 10 cm of snow overnight. This has me debating about my run tomorrow. I was thinking treadmill (even though I hate it) because it will keep my pace up. BUT I love running in snow. It's going to be a game day decision, I think.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Misty Eyed

I got back at 'er today. Well, tonight. I WAS planning on a morning run. I forget now what my excuse was but, I didn't. Running tonight didn't feel right. My body's forgotten what running feels like. Bummer. It'll remember soon enough. It was a misty night but I donned my Mark's water resistant hoodie (acquired for my trip to Whitehorse and am thoroughly in love with) and headed out, in retrospect I could have used my contacts. I did mistake a mailbox for a human.

The new plan that I am following is a time interval dealie. 5 minutes walking warm up, 1 minute running 2 minutes walking for 8 intervals and a 5 minute walking cool down. I have trouble remembering how many intervals I've done and because I am a lazy runner I do not want to run more than I have to; so, right before I headed out I looked around my room for something that would help me keep track. My gaze fell on some bobby pins. The plan was to attach them to my hoodie with each interval that I completed. That turned out to be a bit annoying. Easier was unclipping them. Seemed to do the trick. So, there you go- running hack!

My foot seems to be ok. I am rolling it on a can right now to massage it. I DO NOT want to re-injure it. I'll see how it's feeling tomorrow. Right now I'm feeling good! WOO!!

Monday, December 8, 2014


So it's been a while...a LONG while. Heading into 2015 while. Reading that last post I see that I had just booked my trip to the Yukon. It was AMAZING. I do believe that I will head back again. I've had another fabulous year staying active(ish) I took up Nordic Walking (aka pole walking aka urban poling). As a result I learned more about the Hamilton trail system.

I have started another new job within the organization. I am how an intensive case manager for chronically homeless men. I am very happy there. The work is so interesting and rewarding. I keep up with professional development and I have obtained a personal trainer. I've also taken up horseback riding again. I did it in my youth and it's another way to be active.

The reason that I've taken to typing again is that I finally got the ok from my GP today to start running again!! YAY!I actually did a fist pump when I got in the car after my appointment I was so excited I didn't know which program I'm going to do, the possibilites were running (look at that pun) through my mind as I got home. I think I'll do a beginner, couch to 5K deal. I took to the internet and found one that I like at I enjoy plans based on time instead of distance. I am pretty excited to get going. It's my favourite time of year for running and motivation is high. The only thing is that my iPod was stolen so I won't have my tracker. Ah well...