Monday, July 29, 2013

"Strive for Progress, Not Perfection"

Today is one of those blogs that is about not blogging, offering up excuses for not running or training for a tri. I got a job, number one. YAY! I am working relief in a drop in for homeless people and 3 months later, I still love it. Although my scheduled shifts are sporadic the hours are typically the same. I am finding that this is actually quite helpful- knowing that on any given day I can work out at 4:30 pm, the latest. That being said, the job is very demanding. Physically not so much but I am emotionally sucked dry by my clients. These are for realsies people without a home or poor housing, dealing with some very intense issues. Yes, I still genuinely love it.
For the month after the tri I was focused on finding a job. This task, for anyone who has done it, is awful. Networking, applying, interviews, waiting...waiting...WAITING...takes its toll. I am very appreciative that I have since found something but it's kind of a dark period in time and you really get down on yourself and running just wasn't going to happen.

Photo care of Maureen Rich, I believe.
At the end of May I joined a team after my best friend worked VERY hard at convincing me. Another new activity for my books- ROWING! I wasn't too keen on it at first or throughout the duration of the practices. I took solace in the fact that we were all newbies, except for my aforementioned friend. I just really HATED lugging that boat in and out of the water and it seemed like every time that we did we received different directions and we never really did master it. We had our regatta this past weekend and it was incredibly fun. It totally made my mind up for me to continue doing it next year. I was with a great bunch of women and met a whole crew of new friends. I'd actually properly trained and would get on the rowing machine an extra two times a week. My roommate from university and very good friend used to row and gave me a few pointers one night after a yoga class that I really benefited from. So, at least I was heading to the gym a bit because of that. I just realized typing that that when I participate in an activity with a goal date I am pretty committed to training for it.
Photo care of Caren Funnell
My brother's also joined the gym that I go to and we try to "play" racquetball once a week. We've done 3 sessions thus far. We're actually improving but we don't know the rules. Basically, we jog around the court and whack at a ball. I'm better at directing it but he's better at actually hitting it. I like the activity. We need a coach though.

Lastly, my newest endeavour is a planning a mountain biking excursion in Yukon. I thought I had my brother sold on it if we went next summer to celebrate our average 30th birthdays he'll be in his 29th year, me in my 31st). I specifically wanted to get there during the summer solstice and stumbled across a mountain biking trip. I was talking to him at our weekly match today and he's hesitant to go. The summer solstice trip is an intermediate biking trip through the mountains of the territory. I was nervous about it too and started reading up on mountain biking and apparently the muscles, since they are larger are easier to train and develop. So yes, my ass will probably hurt (I've already looked into padded shorts) but I feel like this is yet another crazy adventure that I can train for. I think my brother's pride is getting in the way. Having trained for- and come in last- for several events I don't have that issue anymore. I just figure that I will do the same as always. Research, practice, hit the gym, buy the equipment, talk to professionals and be as prepared as I can be then take up the rear as always. I figure they can't let me die out there and I've got almost a year to train, which is more than I'd ever done before. I am impressed that baby brother admitted to me that this would be a life changing decision for him. I hadn't thought about that but he's right. We're both considerably overweight. He's a smoker. I think that not having ever trained for anything has him concerned. He even mentioned consulting our GP; which made me laugh because she knows all about my previous races and was super keen on me participating. So, little brother- I know you're reading this, I say just dive in and go for it. I know you have it in you. If I can do it, you definitely can as well. Genetically, you're better built for it than I am.

Overall, with taking up rowing this summer I have been reminded that once you start doing one activity you tend to take up more. I've swam a couple times, been to a couple yoga classes and started cycling more places. So, as my brother said, yes it is a lifestyle commitment but it tends to come naturally. You even take care of what you eat because you don't want to waste all that energy that you just expended on something deep fried. Or on the flipside- you 'guy-et' and allow yourself that piece of chocolate cake with less torment, knowing you just sweated up a storm.
Photo care of Caren Funnell


  1. Morgan. You are inspiring. Love you!

  2. Thanks very much, Caren. Especially for the pictures!
