Thursday, August 15, 2013

You want me to do something...

tell me I can't do it.- Maya Angelou

This title doesn't really ring true for me. Others may find it relateable. I put it out there for you externally motivated folks.

I've been keepin' active this week. Monday night I went and played racquetball after work. Did a little solo session. I found myself smiling as I whacked away. I think I'm getting better. Or, I wasn't exhausted and actually felt like moving. I had planned on attending my first ever "latin funk" class (aka zumba the Y just doesn't own the rights to the name) but I'd read the schedule incorrectly and there was no class to be had. I figured I would do that and it'd be better than nothing and I enjoyed it.

On Tuesday I had a job interview over my lunch and I actually cried during it. I realized partway through the interview that I was in a serious interview for a grown up job that I really wanted. I normally LOVE interviews. The way I look at it is that the position is mine for the taking or else they wouldn't be interviewing me. Anyways, when this realization donned on me I got incredibly stressed plus I talked about a client who'd committed suicide. So the stress, excitement, passion and sadness I was feeling started leaking out of my eyes and I started crying. I got back to work knowing that I bombed what, to date- was the greatest employment opportunity in my life and feeling pretty downcast. I valued the experience though. They called an hour later to tell me that I had a second interview! It's a good thing it was a voicemail or else I would have started crying all over again. This time, I had to do a 10 minute presentation for them. Well this was Tues and they wanted to see me Thurs. I did some juggling and arranged it to do the interview over my lunch. That night, instead of working on my powerpoint and feeling emotionally taxed, I decided that I would go to do some yoga and rowing. Tuesday nights at the Burlington Y are my favourite. It was a decent class and i was happy to have something else to focus on other than job interviews. Rowing was all right. I did intervals on there so it was good for getting the ole heart rate up before Yoga.

I worked Wednesday and when I logged in to my work e-mail there was a message waiting for me about an interview for a couple of positions. Yup, another interview. Also on Thursday. 2 interviews, 3 positions. I normally go out with my best friend on Wednesday and cancelled in order to work on the powerpoint. I knew there was no way Tuesday that I would get anything done and so went to the gym instead. This left only the one night to work on a 10 minute presentation on a topic that I had very little knowledge of. It took a few hours but I completed it. This left no time to fit a theoretical run in (I thought maybe, just mayyyyyyyyyyybe I'd feel like going for one in this cool weather. I was wrong)

Last night I looked it up and  confirmed my suspicions. It takes 10 minutes less to ride my bike to work. that is what I did. hopped on my bike this morning and rode to work. I work down the escarpment so it's not a bad ride. I just have to remember that my morning smoothie doesn't cut it for breakfast in this situation. I went to the interviews and made it through tear free. They both went really well. I appreciated getting to talk to some people about other programs at my current job. The presentation went well, or I think so... I found out that I am competing against one other person for the position. I am top two out of the 40 applicants which alone made me feel good. Whatever happens happens. I'm feeling much better now that this is over. I only have one more interview next week.

I am pretty content that I am able to squeeze in activity here and there. Including after the interview when I made a mad dash back to work so I got a 15 minute run in today as well (wearing a back pack in so business casual attire)

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