Monday, September 9, 2013


I hadn't realized that it'd been almost a month since I'd last written anything. A few things have changed...or pretty much everything. I'm an entire year older and had a PERFECT 30th. My friends and family made me feel so special. I attended a friend of mine's BBQ and she bought me a cute little mini cake. My best friend created a scavenger hunt for me, then a surprise party. I did dinner with the fam at the restaurant that my brother is chef at and then drinks another night to round out the week. I was incredibly excited about my 30th, I started counting down as soon as I turned 29 and it's already been a pretty big year.

I also bought my first ever car. I did this because I required it for my new job! I started it a couple of weeks ago. I did not get the one where I was narrowed down to 2 for and received some really positive feedback for them. I actually got the job with my organization. It was really the position that I was most excited for. It's covering a mat leave for someone and is a great learning experience.

I always thought that if I had my own car then I would be more active. The sad reality is that this is true. What's sad about this is that if I really wanted to be active I would just do it regardless. I am happy that I'm hitting the gym a bit more. I still largely only do cardio. I'm on a real string though. Friday morning before work (I KNOW RIGHT! BEFORE WORK) I went swimming. Saturday I did some stairs, 759 to be exact. Sunday I did a cycle then today I did some rowing.

I liked swimming before work. I was just ill-prepared for it. The whole wet hair thing didn't go well for me. I knew that I would be going out Friday night and not have time to fit any activity in so I went in the AM. Saturday was slightly rainy so once it had paused I went to do some stairs near my house. I did 3 sets. My legs still hurt today. The going up got my heart pumping but the going down hurt my knees. Just like running downhill. The bracing is tough on the body. I went for a pretty easy ride yesterday. I was supposed to go with my brother but fate worked against us and he missed his bus and refused to ride his bike up the escarpment to meet me (I don't know what his issue was riding uphill to ride a bike with me, geeze! :) ) The rowing went well and I'm already feeling it in my arms, 2 hours later.

I am really enjoying the diversity of my activity. This is as a result of booking my Yukon trip. My brother and I have registered for a multi event 5 day excursion. Mountain biking, canoeing, hiking and a train ride into Alaska. It's a summer solstice trip and will take place at the end of June. It's going to be an amazing experience and I want to be able to enjoy it without the fear of death. So my new 'training' schedule is simply trying to replicate those activities. It's a bit different than training for a race but it's all activity at the end of the day and that's what is important.

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