Saturday, May 26, 2012

"Cross Country Philosophy...

the faster you run the faster you're done."

6.45 K (furthest run this training cycle!) @ 7'49

I found this quote for my title online and it's oh so appropriate for today. I was sick last week so did not training (thus no blogging). My pancreas acted up and I was sick for four days then as so often happens, I subsequently got a cold. Thus, I was out of commission for the better part of a fortnight.

As a result of my lack of activity it was, as always, difficult to get started again. I set my mind to getting up and going for a run in the morning. Added motivation: my best friend offered to make me breakfast. To my amazement I was up and out of the house by 8 am. I'm not sure how many of you were in southern Ontario at that time, but it was already quite warm (a record high today, actually). I was doing a timed run of 45 minutes and I felt that a pace of 7'50 would be appropriate for my first run back. I kind of gauged my distance so as to finish at my friend's all set for breakfast.

I am not good at gauging distance. I'm not sure why I trusted myself to plan a route. It was hot. I have a cold. I have not run in over a week. It was not a fun run. But I had to start up again from somewhere. That third kilometre is perpetually a thorn in my side. It's my "wall". I was too far from anywhere to stop and walk though. I pushed through, like I always do when I want to stop and whine consoling myself with the "at least I went out there mentality". I started to think about Kelowna and wished I was there. While it wasn't really humid, I longed for that dry heat and the orchards that I ran by with the sprinklers on cooling the earth and myself with their mist. As I was ruminating on those sprinklers, I looked to my left and on the soccer pitch there were a number of sprinklers watering the field, surrounded by a fence. Topped by barbed wire. There was no way that i was going to cool off with those bad boys. I continued to plod along. Lo and behold! Someone was watering their lawn. I took off like a shot to hit it...and missed it, completely. Not one drop hit my body.

Meanwhile, I had hit the 35 minute mark and was a fair distance away from my friend's place. I was hot, I misjudged the distance and it was just getting warmer. I sped up (see where the title comes in now?). I hit the 45 minute mark and still had quite a bit to go before I reached my destination time was up. I bargained with myself. I could do some walk/run alternating...No I wouldn't. I have made this deal before and always just walk. It's like once I stop my body shuts down. I decided to just keep going until I reached 6 K. By the time I'd done that I only had 2 more blocks to go so I just finished those up.

I think what i can take away from this run (other than the complete and utter dread I have for how HOT this summer has the potential to get) is that small goals work. As does a promise of bacon and eggs.

Don't forget bike to work day is May 28th!! Take part. I know I am.

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