Sunday, April 15, 2012

Race Day

The start/finish line.
Today was the big day. I'd trained 3 months for this. I feel pretty good about my run. I didn't bring my Nike+ and it wasn't a race with chip timing so I can't give you an exact result. I was really disappointed about this. I know I ran hard and pushed myself and I'm happy. It's the end of my 5K races.

The weather was not ideal but it was not hot (and not hailing/snowing as it apparently was last year). The rain stopped by the end of the race and was never too intense. At the 4K mark there was a big looooong (.5K) uphill but I refused to walk up it. I was slow but I was not walking. It left me quite breathless. The last half kilometre was easy after that and I am certain that I crossed the finish line smiling. The route definitely had potential to be beautiful if it had have been sunny. The cherry blossoms were out in full bloom. I crossed over several bridges and there was all kinds of wildlife surrounding me. High Park is quite lovely.
Approaching the finish line.

The first place guy finished it in like, 17 and a half minutes, I know he passed me in the loop when I had completed 1.5 k and he had completed 3.5K. I love seeing those first runners, they're so amazing. The trouble with the fact that there was no chip timing is that I don't know the exact time I got started and when you start in a pack like that it takes a bit to hit your stride. I was also at the back of the pack. So, I crossed the finish line in 41 minutes and a few seconds but I know that I finished in 40 minutes at the most. That last uphill was definitely a killer. I improved my position in the 2nd half of the race over 4 people. Yes, I counted, and yes, they were all adults. I find this comforting, it's kind of the whole slow and steady wins the race, thing. Regardless, this was my fastest race to date.

As for the event itself, it's the smallest I've participated in. There wasn't enough signage and we (my mom came with me as a supporter) had a lot of difficulty finding the start line. There were no medals and the race kit was modest but I did get a really great aluminum water bottle. I could have requested a certificate of participation but the MC said they'd be great for kids, so really, I'd feel a bit ridiculous. I do have my race bib and a few pictures though, so that's enough. The absolute best thing about this race that I didn't get at the other two I'd been in was the volunteers. I really liked that they were posted every half K and they were all provided with clappers, horns and other such delightful noisemakers and they sure used them. The encouragement was awesome! It made me smile every time I ran by them. For a small race they even had a boisterous crowd at the end celebrating the finishes.

Crossing the finish line, it looks like I am walking, let me assure you I am not.

I'm not sure that I would participate in this event again but I had a good day. Thanks to all who contributed and my mom for coming out and taking pictures.. Next up: The Try-a-Try in August.

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